Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/128

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Sometimes the Pots are taken up all dry, and so sometimes prove best; sometimes again they are taken up wet. Whether this ariseth from the Vapors coming from below, or the moisture that is squeezed out by the weight of the Pots, we cannot discern.

This we observe, That the Plates that cover the Pots, yield better and thicker Flakes, than do the Rolls within. And the outsides, next to the Planks, bigger and better than the insides, next to the Rolls, and the Spirits that first arise out of the Vinegar.

We therefore question much, Whether the strongest bodied Vinegar, or the quickest and sharpest, be the most effectual?

The Accidents to the Workmen are,

Immediate pain in the Stomack, with exceeding Contorsions in the Guts, and Costiveness that yields not to Catharticks, hardly to often repeated Clysters: best to Lenitives, Oil of Olives, or Strong new Wort. It brings them also to acute Fevers, and great Asthma's or Shortness of Breath. And these we find effected principally by the Mineral Steams in the casting of the Plates of Lead, and by the Dust of the Flakes. Also by the Steams coming from out of the Heaps, when the Pots are taking up.

Next, a Vertigo, or dizziness in the Head, with continual great pain in the Brows, Blindness, Stupidity, and Paralytick Affections; loss of Appetite, Sickness, and frequent Vomitings, generally of sincere Phlegm, sometimes mixed with Choler, to the extreamest weakning of the Body. And these chiefly in them that have the charge of Grinding, and over the Drying Place.

An Account of Two Books.

I. The True Intellectual System of the Universe. The First Part. Wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is confuted, and its impossibility demonstrated: By R. Cudworth, DD. London, printed for Rich. Royston, 1678. in fol.

The Reverend and Learned Author acquaints us in his Preface with his whole Design, it being to demonstrate these three Things: 1. That there is an Omnipotent Understanding Beeing, presiding over All. 2. That this Beeing hath an Essential Goodness and Justice: the differences of Moral Good and Evil, not being by Will and Law only, but also by Nature;according