Page:Piti Yindee - Wuffle - Carrot Hunt, The (2016) - Page 8.jpg

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  • Debbita: You and Dad seem to be getting along okay. It makes me wonder why he doesn't want to stay home with you.
  • Wuffle: Well, when I mentioned it, he said no, and I never asked why... He just seemed really uncomfortable, so I changed the subject. I don't wanna cause him trouble...
  • Debbita: Wuffle, I know you don't want to bother him, but you're not being fair to yourself. It's hurting you.
  • Wuffle: EH?!
  • Debbita: You can't suppress your feelings to please someone, especially if something is important to you. Being honest about your feelings, that's being nice to him. You have to let him know what you want, Wuff.

  • Soufflé: These giant carrots are rare, they're only found in this forest!
  • Maya: Yuck! They smell bad!

  • Wuffle: But shouldn't parents just...know... That their kids need them?
  • Debbita: How would I know? I grew up in an orphanage! If I need something, I just ask!
  • Wuffle: OH RIGHT! I'M SORRY!