Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/223

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Apostle … Englished by John Pringle … Landon, Printed for John White in Threadneedle Street, behinde the Old Exchange, 1661. [Bodleian; Hazlitt, i. 211.]

WHITE (ROBERT), printer in London; Warwick Court, Warwick Lane, 1639-67. Took up his freedom December 7th, 1639. [Arber, iii. 688.] Partner with Thos. Brudenell, in printing the Bible; in 1647. They were also joint printers of Sprigge's Anglia Rediviva although only the initials of Robert White occur in the imprint. White was also associated with George Bishop in printing several news-sheets. At the survey of the press taken in 1668 he is returned as having three presses, three apprentices and seven workmen. [Plomer, Short History, p. 225.]

WHITING (G), bookseller(?) in London (?), 1652. His name occurs on the imprint to a pamphlet entitled Black Monday turn'd White, 1652. [B.M. 718, c. 20 (2).]

WHITTINGTON (GEORGE) bookseller in London; Blew Anchor in Cornhill, neer the Royall Exchange, 1643-9 (?). His name is found on the imprint to the following pamphlet: Humble petition of many thousands of Young Men, 1646. [E. 378, 15.] Issued some books in partnership with John Partridge and James Moxon and Hannah Allen.

WHITTLESEY (THOMAS), bookseller (?) in London (?), 1662. His name is found on the imprint to John Heydon's Holy Guide', [Hazlitt, iv. 47.]

WHITWOOD (WILLIAM), bookseller in London; Swan, Duck Lane, 1666-7. Dealer in ballads and broadsides.

WILCOX (JOHN), bookseller in London; Crown in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1647. His name is found on the imprint to Thomas Philipot's Poems, 1647. [Hazlitt, H. 456.] Probably a misprint for John Williams.

WILDEBERGH (C.), bookseller (7) in London; The Globe in St. Katherines, 1662. His name is found on the following broadside. An exact and true relation of the landing of Her Majesty at Portsmouth, 1662. [B.M. C. 20, f. 2 (50).]