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Nerv'd by just vengeance, drew his arrow'd bow,
And laid the bigot tyrant, Mary, low.
Angels of light their harps of gladness strung,
And through heav'ns vault the welcome tidings rung;
Pity and Truth return'd to earth again,
And lovely happiness reign'd o'er the plain;
Religion, Justice, Mercy, hand in hand,
Resum'd their empire o'er this favor'd land;
Content and Plenty rais'd the heart-felt smile,
And Peace once more illumin'd Britain's isle.
Now, mild Religion, thy sweet influence spread
With tenfold pow'r, while o'er the silent dead
Fond Mem'ry rais'd a bright and glorious tomb,
O'er which the martyr's olive long shall bloom:
Yes, sweet Religion! ages vet shall tell
How firm i faith thy sainted children fell.
Now, the white cottage rear'd its humble head,
No tyrant's pow'r its inmates had to dread,
Now, cheerful Industry could toil again,
She felt not poverty, she knew not pan