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And, cheer'd by him, neglected merit rose;
For, kind encouragement a warmth bestows,
Which makes all flow'rs of real worth expand,
And with their sweets repay the fostering hand.
Now, at the silent evening's gentle close,
While twilight soft her shadowy mantle throws;
Now, all around was peaceful, hush'd, and still,
Save the sweet note of mournful Philomel,
Or simple shepherd piping in the vale,
Telling to artless innocence his tale.
No trumpet now in dreadful echo roll'd,
No noisy drum the victim's knell now told,
Nor clashing sword, bath'd deep in crimson core,
Drove the poor rustic from his cottage door,
To seek a shelter in some distant land,
From Superstition's persecuting baud.
No dread of woes to come obscur'd his brow,
Reckless of grief he sat unheeding now,
Whistling at case, or singing blythe and free,
Surrounded by his happy family.