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THE Autumn leaves are falling fast,
And strew my onward way;
All wears the hue of beauty past,
Now mellowing to decay.
And yet wan leaf and fading flower
Can touch the heart with deeper power
Than Summer's bright array;
For who but feels that beauty's spell
Is deepest when she breathes farewell?

And now, when tints like evening steal
O'er all the earth and sky,
When Nature seems with grief to feel
Her dying hour is nigh,
'Tis sweet, though mournful, thus to gaze
Upon the wreck of other days,
And watch their glories die,
While still the sun's departing beam
Falls soft on mountain, wood, and stream.

An Autumn sunset,—all most bright
And peaceful mingles there;
The golden sky, the mellowed light,
The calm and stirless air;