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The light of peace and holy joy
Is shining on thy brow;
And every speaking feature tells
That thou art happy now.

No care has dimmed thy spirit yet,
No earthly shade is nigh;
Thy gentle gravity but speaks
Of holy thoughts and high.

Thy heart and hand alike are bound
In wedlock's sacred bands;
And by thy side, in manly youth,
Thy happy husband stands.

All earth is full of hope to thee;—
The past a dream of youth,—
The future one bright path of love,
Of tenderness and truth.

No marvel thou art happy then,—
No marvel, as I gaze,
That peaceful brow should seem a pledge
Of bright and lengthened days!

Then to that other face I turn;—
Thou still art young and fair,
And happy too,—and yet, methinks
A gentle change is there.

A shade of quiet thoughtfulness
Is on thy placid brow;
As if the cares of motherhood
Were stealing o'er thee now.