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WE have looked our last on the well-known walls,
Which we may behold no more;
At least they will wear a far other hue
Than for us they have worn before.
We have met with glee round the social board,
Where we never may meet again,
Though dear must those hours to memory be,
While life or while thought remain.

For blent with the fairest of youthful dreams
That familiar spot has been;
And remembrances dear as life's young spring
Have hallowed the lowly scene.
The quiet hamlet, the old grey church,
E'en the forms that within it bow,
Are blent with the hopes of those early years,
Fulfilled, and how brightly! now.

Jut ye, dear friends, so long loved and well,
From these peaceful scenes must roam,
To seek, though the noon of life be past,
Another and far-off home.