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HUSBAND, dear husband! since I first for thee
Entwined a birthday wreath of poesy,
And vainly strove to make weak words express
A wife's, a woman's, untold tenderness,
Five years have passed; five brief and blessed years.
Though not all cloudless; earth must still have tears,
And fondest hearts at times the shadows know,
That veil in mercy all most bright below.
But still for us time's silent footfalls seem
To bring no change in pure affection's dream;
No jarring chord to break the blissful spell
Of wedded hearts that cannot love too well.
Life passes on, its morning visions die
Beneath the weight of stern reality;
But nothing time can bring, no smiles or tears,
Can touch the love of youth, the love of years.
And purer hopes and calmer joys are ours;
Ay, mingled still with fancy's wildest flowers.
The cares of life full often press on thee,
Its lighter shadows fall at times on me;
But, dearest, mercies rich and boundless fill
Our cup of life with ceaseless bounty still,