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BE merciful to me, O Lord,
My hope, my trust is in Thy word;
Beneath Thy wings I'll safely rest,
Till every woe and trial's past.

Hear my voice, O God most high;
For strength and health to Thee I fly:
To Thee, who on my helpless head
Hast every gift and blessing shed.

Thou, Lord, shalt save me with Thine arm,
From all who seek to do me harm;
Yea. Thou shalt send Thy truth and love
To light my path to realms above.

My trembling soul, perplexed, distressed,
By all who hate Thy name oppressed,
Seems sinking fast in sorrow's sea,
And longs to flee away to Thee.

Be Thou, O God, exalted high
O'er all who tread the gem-decked sky:
And far above this world below,
Oh, let Thy dazzling glories flow!