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OH, earth, rejoice! ye isles, be glad'
Jehovah reigns, and reigns alone;
Though clouds and darkness veil His face,
Yet truth and might support His throne.
Before Him, fire His foes consumed,
And o'er His pathway fiercely glowed;
His lightning torch illumed the world,
Earth startled, saw, and trembling bowed.

The earth like melting wax consumed,
And at His presence fled away;
The heavens declare His righteousness,
And all the nations own His sway.
But they who bow to wood and stone
Shall feel the wrath that now is near;
The Lord is King o'er all the earth,
Oh! worship Him, ye gods, and fear!

Glad Zion's daughters sing for joy,
Because of all Thy judgments, Lord;
For Thou art now exalted high,
By all obeyed, by all adored.