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THOUGH many a joy with sunny glow
May gild the lot of man below,
And bless his sojourn here,
So chequered is life's fleeting day,
That ere the smile has passed away
'Tis saddened by a tear.

And though on some the clouds of wrath,
Which scarce have dimmed another's path,
May pour their fiercest gloom,
Yet one the lot of all hath been,—
A dread of sorrow yet unseen,
A fear of woe to come.

When dimly to the mental eye
The vista of futurity
In lengthened train appears,
Though bright the bow of Hope may beam,
Yet still its fairest visions seem
To shine on falling tears.

Then Fancy wakes her thrilling powers,
And summons up dark 'whelming hours,
Though still perchance afar;
Disclosing scenes of joy and light
For ever plunged in dreary night,—
A night without a star.