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And as I tread the leaf-strewn paths, will muse
On all the mingling memories of the past,
And prospects of the future. Though to me
The stream of life as yet has smoothly flowed,
Yet still its placid surface can reflect
The clouds as well as sunlight of the skies;
And in the parted year, like all the rest,
'Mid happiest hours, to Memory precious still,
Some shadows rest,—some recollected clouds,
That dimmed awhile e'en blessings held most dear;
And much loved converse, which, though past, can shed
Remembered sweetness o'er mine inmost soul,
And will, I trust, rejoice my heart again,
Oft, oft, and soon. Yet passing clouds there were
Of disappointed hopes, bright visions flown,
And dreams dispelled. Hush, hush! vain thoughts!
Come back, ye restless wanderings of the mind,
Nor e'en with lightest pinion touch to life
Those scarcely slumbering hopes and wishes vain
I fain would lull to rest. Oh, rather think
Of all the thousand blessings undeserved,
That girdle round my onward path of life
With countless mercies,—new each new-born day,
And never-failing still!I—Their ceaseless voice
Should silence every whispered murmur's sound,
And fill with grateful love that thankless heart,
Which knows not what is best!
Which knows not what is best!Farewell thou Past!
For thee, O Future! all alike must feel
How dim the eye that strives to pierce thy gloom,
How weak the power that fain would shape thy course;
And bow in consciousness another Hand,