Page:Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, Compos'd at several times.djvu/31

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And in despight of Pharao fell,
He brought from thence his Israel.
For, &c.

The ruddy waves he cleft in twain,
Of the Erythræan main.
For, &c.

The floods stood still like Walls of Glass,
While the Hebrew Bands did pass.
For, &c.

But full soon they did devour
The Tawny King with all his power.
For, &c.

His chosen people he did bless
In the wastfull Wildernes.

In bloody battail he brought down
Kings of prowess and renown.
For, &c.

He foild bold Seon and his host,
That rul'd the Amorrean coast.
For, &c.

And large-lim'd Og he did subdue,
With all his over hardy crew.
For, &c.
