Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/143

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Several Occasions.
Nor praise, nor blame, the Hero strait replies,
You speak to Greeks, and they Ulysses know;
But haste, swift roul the Hours of Night, the Morn
Already hastens to display her Beams,
And in the Vault of Heav'n the Stars decay.

Swift at the Word they sheath their manly Limbs
Horrid in Arms, a two-edg'd Sword and Shield
Nestor's bold Son to stern Tydides gave;
A tough Bull's Hide his ample Helmet form'd,
No Cone adorn'd it, and no plumy Crest
Wav'd in the Air; a Quiver and a Bow,
And a huge Faulchion great Ulysses bears,
The Gift of Merion: on his Head an Helm,
Of Leather nodded, firm within, and bound
With many a Thong; without, in dreadful Rows
The snowy Tusks of a huge savage Boar
