Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/64

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Poems on
Soft I approach'd, and raptur'd with the Bliss
At Leisure gaz'd, then stole a silent Kiss,
She wak'd; when conscious Smiles but ill represt,
Spoke no Disdain!—Was ever Swain so blest?

With fragrant Apples from the bending Bough
In sport my Charmer gave her Swain a Blow:
The fair Offender of my Wrath afraid,
Fled, till I seiz'd, and kiss'd the blooming Maid:
She smil'd, and vow'd if thus her Crimes I pay,
She would offend a thousand times a Day!

O'er the steep Mountain, and the pathless Mead,
From my Embrace the lovely Scorner fled;
But stumbling in the Flight, by chance the fell,
I saw—but what—her Lover will not tell!
