Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/89

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Several Occasions.
War, horrid War, the Sylvan Scene invades,
And angry Trumpets pierce the Woodland Shades;
Here shatter'd Tow'rs, proud Works of many an Age,
Lie dreadful Monuments of human Rage;
There Palaces, and hallow'd Domes display
Majestic Ruins, awful in Decay!
Thy very dust, tho' undistinguish'd trod,
Compos'd, perhaps, some Hero, great and good,
Who nobly for his Country lost his Blood!
Ev'n with the Grave, the haughty Spoilers war,
And Death's dark Mansions wide disclose to Air:
O'er Kings and Saints insulting stalk, nor dread
To spurn the Ashes of the glorious dead.

See! the Britannic Lyons wave in Air!
See! mighty Marlbro' breathing Death and War!
From Albion's Shores, at Anna's high Commands,
The dauntless Hero pours his martial Bands:
