Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/107

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Impatient heav'n's resplendent goal to gain,
She with swift progress cuts the azure plain,
Where grief subsides, where changes are no more,

And life's tumultuous billows cease to roar;

She leaves her earthly mansion for the skies,
Where new creations feast her wond'ring eyes.

To heav'n's high mandate chearfully resign'd
She mounts, and leaves the rolling globe behind;

She, who late wish'd that Leonard might return,

Has ceas'd to languish, and forgot to mourn;
To the same high empyreal mansions come,
She joins her spouse, and smiles upon the tomb:
And thus I hear her from the realms above:

"Lo! this the kingdom of celestial love!

"Could ye, fond parents, see our present bliss,
"How soon would you each sigh, each fear dismiss?
"Amidst unutter'd pleasures whilst I play
"In the fair sunshine of celestial day,

"As far as grief affects an happy soul

"So far doth grief my better mind controul,

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