Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/33

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On the Death of a young Lady of Five Years of Age.

FROM dark abodes to fair etherial light
Th' enraptur'd innocent has wing'd her flight;
On the kind boſom of eternal love
She finds unknown beatitude above.
This know, ye parents, nor her loſs deplore,5
She feels the iron hand of pain no more;
The diſpenſations of unerring grace,
Should turn your ſorrows into grateful praiſe;
Let then no tears for her henceforward flow,
No more diſtreſs'd in our dark vale below.10

Her morning ſun, which roſe divinely bright,
Was quickly mantled with the gloom of night;
But hear in heav'n's bleſt bow'rs your Nancy fair,
And learn to imitate her language there.
"Thou, Lord, whom I behold with glory crown'd,
"By what ſweet name, and in what tuneful ſound
