Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/34

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"Wilt thou be prais'd? Seraphic pow'rs are faint
"Infinite love and majeſty to paint.
"To thee let all their grateful voices raiſe,
"And ſaints and angels join their ſongs of praiſe."20

Perfect in bliſs ſhe from her heav'nly home
Looks down, and ſmiling beckons you to come;
Why then, fond parents, why theſe fruitleſs groans?
Reſtrain your tears, and ceaſe your plaintive moans.
Freed from a world of ſin, and ſnares, and pain,25
Why would you wiſh your daughter back again?
No—bow reſign'd. Let hope your grief control,
And check the riſing tumult of the ſoul.
Calm in the proſperous, and adverſe day,
Adore the God who gives and takes away;30
Eye him in all, his holy name revere,
Upright your actions, and your hearts ſincere,
Till having ſail'd through life's tempeſtuous ſea,
And from its rocks, and boiſt'rous billows free,
Yourſelves, ſafe landed on the bliſſful ſhore,35
Shall join your happy babe to part no more.
