Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/35

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On the Death of a young Gentleman.

WHO taught thee conflict with the pow'rs of night,
To vanquiſh Satan in the fields of fight?
Who ſtrung thy feeble arms with might unknown,
How great thy conqueſt, and how bright thy crown!
War with each princedom, throne, and pow'r is o'er,5
The ſcene is ended to return no more.
O could my muſe thy feat on high behold,
How deckt with laurel, how enrich'd with gold!
O could ſhe hear what praiſe thine harp employs,
How ſweet thine anthems, how divine thy joys!10
What heav'nly grandeur ſhould exalt her ſtrain!
What holy raptures in her numbers reign!
To ſooth the troubles of the mind to peace,
To ſtill the tumult of life's toſſing ſeas,

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