Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/47

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The giant mov'd, and from his tow'ring height
Survey'd the stripling, and disdain'd the fight,

And thus began: "Am I a dog with thee?

"Bring'st thou no armour, but a staff to me?
"The gods on thee their vollied curses pour,
"And beasts and birds of prey thy flesh devour."

David undaunted thus, "Thy spear and shield

"Shall no protection to thy body yield:

"Jehovah's name—no other arms I bear,
"I ask no other in this glorious war.
"To-day the Lord of Hosts to me will give
"Vict'ry, to-day thy doom thou shalt receive;

"The fate you threaten shall your own become,

"And beasts shall be your animated tomb,
"That all the earth's inhabitants may know
"That there's a God, who governs all below:
"This great assembly too shall witness stand,

"That needs nor sword, nor spear, th' Almighty's hand:
