Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/189

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The British Enchanters.


Liberty! Liberty!
Ah how sweet is Liberty!
Arm, arm, the gen'rous Britons cry,
Let us live free, or let us die,
Trumpets sounding, Banners flying,
Braving Tyrants, Chains defying,
Arm, arm, the gen'rous Britons cry,
Let us live free, or let us die,
Liberty! Liberty!

Another Voice.

Happy Isle, all joys possessing,
Clime resembling Heav'n above,
Freedom 'tis that crowns thy Blessing,
Land of Liberty, and Love!
When the Nymphs, to cure Complaining,
Set themselves and Lovers free,
In the Blessing of Obtaining,
Ah! how sweet is Liberty!

Fifth Dance of Captives.
