Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/152

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My rival dying, I no longer grieve,
Since I may aſk, and ſhe with honour give.
Tell, for you know the burthen of my heart,
Its killing anguiſh, and its ſecret ſmart.120

Witneſs, ye Hours! with what unweary’d care
From place to place I ſtill purſu’d the fair;
Nor was Occaſion to reveal my flame
Slow to my ſuccour, for it kindly came:
It came, it came, that moment of delight!125
O gods! and how I trembled at the ſight!
Tell, for you know the burthen of my heart,
Its killing anguiſh, and its ſecret ſmart.

Diſmay’d and motionleſs, confus’d, amaz’d,
Trembling I ſtood, and terrify’d I gaz’d;130
My falt’ring tongue in vain for utt’rance try’d,
Faint was my voice, my thoughts abortive dy’d,
Or in weak ſounds and broken accents came
Imperfect, as diſcourſes in a dream.
Tell, for you know the burthen of my heart,135
Its killing anguiſh, and its ſecret ſmart.

Soon ſhe divin’d what this confuſion meant,
And gueſs’d with eaſe the cauſe of my complaint:
My tongue embold’ning as her looks were mild,
At length I told my griefs—and ſtill ſhe ſmil’d.140