Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/161

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PEL. and THET. holding faſt by one another.

Jove may kill, but ne’er ſhall ſunder.
JUP. Bring me lightning, give me thunder.
PEL. and THET. Jove may kill, but ne’er ſhall ſunder.85
THET. to JUP. Thy love ſtill arm’d with fate
Is dreadful as thy hate.
O might it prove to me,
So gentle Peleus were but free,
O might it prove to me90
As fatal as to loſt conſuming Semele!
Thy love ſtill arm’d with fate
Is dreadful as thy hate.
PROM. to JUP. Son of Saturn, take advice
From one whom thy ſevere decree95
Has furniſh’d leiſure to grow wiſe:
Thou rul’ſt the gods, but Fate rules thee.


Whoe’er th’ immortal maid compreſſing
Shall taſte joy and reap the bleſſing,
Thus th’ unerring ſtars adviſe:100
From that auſpicious night an heir ſhall riſe,
Paternal glories to efface,
The moſt illuſtrious of his race,
Tho’ ſprange from him who rules the ſkies.
JUP. apart. Shall then the ſon of Saturn be undone,105
Like Saturn, by an impious ſon?