Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/40

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Ruſtling from ev’ry quarter of the ſky,
North, eaſt, and weſt, in airy ſwiftneſs vie,
One cloud repuls’d, new combatants prepare
To meet as fierce, and form a thund’ring war:110
So when the trumpet ſounding gives the ſign,
The juſtling chiefs in rude rencounter join;
So meet, and ſo renew the dext’rous fight,
Each fair beholder trembling for her knight,
Still as one falls another ruſhes in,115
And all muſt be o’ercome or none can win:
The victor, from the ſhining dame whoſe eyes
Aided his conqu’ring arm, receives a precious prize.
Thus flouriſh’d Love, and Beauty reign’d in ſtate,
Till the proud Spaniard gave theſe glories date:120
Paſt is the gallantry, the fame remains,
Tranſmitted ſafe in Dryden’s lofty ſcenes:
Granada[1] loſt beheld her pomps reſtor’d,
And Almahide[2] once more by kings ador’d.
Love, driven thence, to colder Britain flies,125
And with bright nymphs the diſtant ſun ſupplies;
Romances, which relate the dreadful fights,
The loves and proweſs of advent’rous knights,
To animate their rage, a kiſs record
From Britain’s faireſt nymph was the reward.130
Thus ancient to Love’s empire was the claim
Os Britiſh beauty, and ſo wide the fame,

  1. The Conqueſt of Granada. Written by Mr. Dryden.
  2. The part of Almahide performed by Mrs. Eleanor Gwyn, miſtreſs to King Charles II.