Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/45

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Level with loweſt ſhrubs lies the tall head
That rear’d aloft, as to the clouds was ſpread:
But ceaſe, my Muſe! thy colours are too faint;
Hide with a vail those griefs which none can paint.
This sun is ſet—but ſee in bright array
What hoſts of heav’nly light recruit the day!
Love in a ſhining galaxy appears245
Triumphant ſtill, and Grafton leads the ſtars:
Ten thouſand Loves, ten thouſand ſeveral ways,
Invade adoring crowds, who die to gaze;
Her eyes, reſiſtleſs as the Syren’s voice,
So ſweet ’s the charm we make our fate our choice.250
Who moſt reſembles her let next be nam’d,
Villiers,[1] for wiſdom and deep judgment fam’d;
Os a high race victorious Beauty brings
To grace our courts, and captivate our kings.
With what delight my Muſe to Sandwich flies,255
Whoſe wit is piercing as her ſparkling eyes!
Ah! how ſhe mounts, and ſpreads her airy wings,
And tunes her voice, when ſhe of Ormond ſings,
Of radiant Ormond! only fit to be
The ſucceſſor of beauteous Oſſory!260
Richmond ’s a title that, but nam'’d, implies
Majeſtic graces and victorious eyes.
Fair Villiers firſt, then haughty Stewart came,
And Brud’nel now no leſs adorns the name.

  1. Counteſs of Orkney.