"The Letters of Simpkin the Second, upon the Trial of Warren Hastings."
You have ask'd me, dear Simon, a number of times,
To send you some more of my ludicrous rhimes;
Want of matter has hitherto check'd my endeavour.
But a subject occurs which may last me for ever,
You must know, Mr. Burke, who was quondam a teacher,
An usher, I think, is become an IMPEACHER;
In the House he had rail'd against Hastings so long.
That the Commons believ'd he had done something wrong;
So they articles voted, not less than a score,
Tho' Edmund says, he cou'd have fram'd many more.
As my hero asserted, and Hastings denied,
A day was appointed for him to be tried:
But now for a time I must make a digression,
To give an account of the court in procession.
The Procession.
The Lord Chancellor's family first came in view,
And the order observed, was to walk two and two;
Then the Clerks and the Masters in Chancery came.
Then the Judges of England in duo's the same.
With Adair the King's Serjeant, and then the Black Rod;
Then Heralds, and Barons, and Fathers in God.
After them were the Viscounts, Earls, Marquisses seen.
Then the Dukes, the Archbishops, and Cryer came in.
Next follows the Chancellor, and last of all
Dukes—Cumberland, Gloster, and York, and Cornwall.