All after the Heralds walk singly, alone,
And each as he passes, bows low to the Throne;
So much for the Nobles, and now I'll describe
The procession of Burke and his eloquent tribe.
First Edmund walks in at the head of the group.
The powerful chief of a powerful troop;
What awful solemnity's seen in his gait,
While the nod of his head, beats the time to his feet.
Charles Fox is the second, and close to his right.
Whose waddle declares he will never go straight.
The ruby fac'd Sheridan follows the third,
The opposer of Pitt and the Treasury Board;
His attention, 'tis said, has so long been directed
To the National Debts, that his own are neglected.
And on public affairs, where such management's shewn,
No wonder a man cannot think of his own.
Then Francis comes sneaking with grief in his heart,
At not being indulg'd with a Manager's part;
Tho' he now and then steals to the Manager's box.
To suggest a shrewd question to Edmund or Fox.
The Commons, all those who from riding have leisure.
Without order come in, and go out at their pleasure.
When the Lords and the Judges had taken their stations,
The Serjeant at Arms utter'd three proclamations;
Then the charges and answers were read by the clerk,
And some were got through by the time it was dark.
The second day also was wasted in reading.
But the third produced something of Edmund's proceeding:
He rose and began—"You will find in the sequel,
"My Lords, to this task I am very unequal:
"But, the Commons, who hold me in high estimation,
"Believe I am qualify'd well for the station."
The lawyer appear'd in whatever he spoke,
Than Blackstone more learn'd, more ingenious than Coke.
Rules of evidence they had the merit of stating,
But Edmund lays claim to the praise of creating:
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