Indian Revelry.
We meet 'neath the sounding rafter.
And the walls around are bare,
As they shout to our peals of laughter,
It seems that the dead are there;
So stand to your glasses! steady!
We drink in our comrades' eyes;
A cup to the dead already—
Hurrah! for the next that dies.
Not here are the goblets glowing,
Not here is the vintage sweet;
'Tis cold, as our hearts are growing.
And dark, as the doom we meet.
But stand to your glasses! steady!
And soon shall our pulses rise;
Here's a cup to the dead already—
Hurrah! for the next that dies.
There's many a hand that's shaking,
And many a cheek that's sunk;
But soon, though our hearts are breaking.
They'll burn with the wine we've drunk.
So stand to your glasses! steady!
'Tis here the revival lies;
A cup to the dead already!
And hurrah! for the next that dies.