Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 55.djvu/890

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Hygiene. Drinking Water, The Microscopy of. G. C. Whipple 709
Hypnotism: Its Application to Medicine. O. G. Wetterstrand 709
Imperial Democracy. D. S. Jordan 851
Insects, True Tales of the. L. N. Badenoch 854
Instinct and Reason. H. R. Marshall 710
Jackman, W. S. Nature Study for Grammar Grades 274
Jackson, F. G. A Thousand Days in the Arctic 705
James, A. L. Catering for Two 278
— C. C. Practical Agriculture 854
Japan-American Commercial Journal. (Monthly) 561
Japanese Literature, History of. W. G. Aston 131
Jenkins, C. F. Animated Pictures 132
Jordan, D. S. Footnotes to Evolution 559
— D. S. Imperial Democracy 851
Keane, A. H. Man, Past and Present 852
Kingsley, Mary H. West African Studies 418
Klondike, In the. F. Palmer 418
Labor, Bulletins Department of: Wages in the United States and Europe. The Alaskan Gold Fields, and The Mutual Relief Associations In the Printing Trade 711
— Twelfth Annual Report of Commissioner of 134
Lagrange, J. L. Lectures on Elementary Mathematics 855
Lange, W. Froebel's Education by Development 855
Language Lessons. J. G. Park 422
Life, Death, and Immortality. W. M. Bryant 130
Loomis, Ernest. Occult Science Library 562
Marr, J. E. Principles of Stratigraphical Geology 276
Marshall. H. R. Instinct and Reason 710
Mathematics. Algebra, Introduction to Graphical. F. E. Nipher 133
— Elementary, Lectures on. J. L. Lagrange 855
— On the Study and Difficulty of. A. De Morgan 561
Mechanics and Heat. Nichols and Francis 278
Merriman, M. Elements of Sanitary Engineering 130
Metric System of Weights and Measures. A. D. Risteen 132
Microscopy of Drinking Water, The. G. C. Whipple 709
Milk and its Products, The Testing of. Farrington and Noll 278
Miller, A. The Sun an Electric Light 711
Mineralogy, Observation Blanks for Beginners in. H. E. Austin 855
Music, Short Course in. Ripley and Tappen 276
Natural History. Outdoor Studies. J. G. Needham 562
— Rafinesque. Ichthyologia Ohioensis (by R E. Call) 560
Nature Study for Grammar Grades. W. S. Jackman 274
— in Elementary Schools. L. S. W. Wilson 422
Needham, J. G. Outdoor Studies 562
New Man, The. E. P. Oberholzer 133
New Story of the Stars. A. W. Bickerton 134
New York Academy of Sciences. Publications 134
Nichols and Francis, E. L. and W. S. Mechanics and Heat 278
Nipher, F. E. Introduction to Graphical Algebra 133
Ober, F. A. Puerto Rico and its Resources 559
Oberholzer, E. P. The New Man 133
Occult Science Library. E. Loomis 562
Owen, L. A. Cave Regions of the Black Hills 562
Palmer, F. In the Klondike 418
Pantheism: the Light and Hope of Modern Reason. C. Amryc 421
Park, J. G. Language Lessons 422
Parsons, F. T. How to Know the Ferns 708
Patten, S. N. The Development of English Thought 273
Payne, F. O. Geographical Nature Studies 277
Peabody, J. E. Laboratory Exercises in Anatomy and Physiology 277
Perspective, Elements of. C. G. Sullivan 277
Philosophy. Development of English Thought. S. N. Patten 273
— Life, Death, and Immortality. W. M. Bryant 130
Physics, History of. In Its Elementary Branches. F. Cajorl 419
— Matter, Energy, Force, and Work. S. W. Holman 276
— Philip's Experiments. J. Trowbridge 132
Popular Government, The Lessons of. G. Bradford 415
Porter, R. P. Industrial Cuba 560