Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/363

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Popular Srirncr Monthly


����The wreck of the steamer "Socotra," on the Brittany Coast of France, lay in two sections, wide apart, and its cargo, dumped into the sea, was protected from pillage by armed guards

��Steamer Breaks Back in Storm

DURING one of the heaviest storms of the season the Peninsular and Oriental steamer Socotra was ])lo\vn ashore opposite Paris Plage, in IJrittany, France, on a night during the latter part of November. In spite of the desperate attempts of ttigs to tow her away from the dangerous shoals, she broke in half a few days later.

As soon as the ship was broken the packet freight with which she was loaded tiunbled out of her cargo hold and was washed ashore by the waves. The local inhabitants immediately proceeded to pillage the valualjle wreckage, but guards were soon called to the scene, and they remained on duty until the entire con- tents of the ship were safely removed.

It can be seen from the photograi>h that the Socotra was broken a few feet forward of the engine, the two halves being forced several himdred yards a])art before the storm abated.

An Old Boiler Used for Stand-Pipe

OPD boilers, like the one shown here, can be found in most every junk- yard and can be obtained at a very rea- sonable price. One Iowa farmer bought an old boiler of a near-by City Council, transported it to his farm and set it up on a concrete base. He uses it for a

��water supply tank which gi\es him water under pressure in all departments of the farm.

1:1 e took all the old tubes out of the old boiler raid sold them for junk which paid him for hauling the outfit to his farm. The old boiler was given a coat ijf asphalt paint inside and out. Dur- ing ilie cold winter months this Iowa I'arnier prevents llie water from freezing by ])acking straw around it.

��� ��A farm stand-pipe made from an old boiler

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