Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/544

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Soldiers Bi^


���Above may be seen a detach- ment of Serbians crossing the Koloubara River. This bridge has been the scene of irany hard- fought engage- ments, having changed hands over and over again, each time being destroyed by the losers and repaired by the victcrs. Only enough tim- bers are used to permit sol- diers to cross single file

Prcbshly the youngest soldier in the Serbian Army was recently captured by the Germans. Here he is, on the left, a six-year-old, clothed in ode's and ends which he found on the battlefield. Nobody knew where he lived. He shared the fate of the other soldiers with whom he was captured. He is now in a prison camp, where we see a German soldier giving him a light for his cigarette — since he must smoke like a regular soldier

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