Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/134

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��Popular Science Monthly

���A Non-Spillable Funnel

Al' U N N E I. w h i c h will cease flowing automatically when the vessel nto which the 1 i Cj u i d is being poured reaches a certain height, can be devised by at- taching a metal float to the tapering funnel-tip. The lloat is a small metal cylinder closed at both ends. Small brass tubes should be soldered on opposite sides of the float, as indicated in the drawing. Nails which will fit loosely in the tubes should be soldered at their points to the tip of the funnel, with the float in place.

When liquid is poured into the funnel, it will flow past the float until the vessel is nearly filled, whereupon the float will rise and check the funnel's discharge. The tunnel can then be withdrawn quickly, so that little or no liquid is lost. It is also advisable to use a funnel with a widely diverging rim to take care of the overflow. When the float is sutldenly pushed up against the spout the liquid begins to rise in the funnel, making this necessary.

A Dark-Room Lamp

VERY handy


lamp can be made

from a cigar bo.\.

After tearing off

the cover, cut a

hole in one end

just large enough

to allow it to be

sli|)ped o\er an

electric light bulb

and porcelain receptacle. Paste ruby

paper over the opening. .\ fifteen-watt

lamp will not be too bright.

When the room is to be darkened, this is put over the light. When not it is sim- ply left off, With this, one (an get along with (jne light in the developing-njom.


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��A Handy One-Drop Oiler

■AiV use- 1 oiler


��made from materials to be found in nearly every bo.K of odds and ends is here shown.

The oil con- tainer is a dust cap from an old automobile tube. .A >^-in. plug is cut from an old \alve-stem and a washer fitting this plug is soldered to it at the center. A si.\-penny nail which will fit the hole in the plug is soldered in place and flattened at one end. A leather washer should be made for the plug and the oiler is ready for use. This oiler will be found handy around the house as well as garage. — F. W. Nunenm.^ciiicr.

��in the


���Rubbing in the Lathe

IE writer had a number of pieces of cast-iron to be filled with machine filler after which they were to be rubbed smooth and flat. Rubbing by hand was slow and the surfaces hard to flatten.

The cut shows the fixture used for rubbing; it worked \ery successfully. The shank .1 Fig. i, is lu-ld in the chuck of the lathe and the face B, turned flat. To the face B, a piece of coarse emery cloth is gluetl and the "rubber" rexoKed at a fairly high speed. The work is held by hand against the re\'olving "riibl)er" until the desired results have been obtained, after whith lhe\- are finished by hand, rubbing with fine emery cloth.

After the emer\' cloth has been glued to the "rubber," it should be placed lace downward on some flat surface and weighted down. The kind of work for which this fixture was used is shown in Fig. 2.

The bed nl the lathe should be covered to keep the emery awa\- from the bearing- surfaces. — C. Aniji:ksi)n.

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