Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/203

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Popular Science Monthly


��turned until this reading showed through the slots. Then by turning the knob shown on thecasing, this odometer would be thrown out of engage- ment and the odometer for the new tire, No. 5, engaged. If this tire ran* 1 ,000 miles before re- m o v a 1 , the odometer for tires 2, 3, and 4 would each reg- ister 2,000 miles at that time. As tire No. 6 was put on in place of No. 5, these mileages would be automatically added to until the tires were taken off, which time the respective odometers would register accurately the mileage covered. The miles per gallon of gasoline or miles per quart of lubricating oil are obtained by pencil and paper calculation.

���The walls of the circular garage are eight feet eight inches high and are reinforced with wire mesh

��A Circular Garage for the Farm, Built from Silo Forms

SILO forms previously used on a Mis- souri farm were employed to build the novel circular concrete garage shown in the accompany- ing illustration. It cost about one hundred and fif- ty dollars and is sixteen feet in diameter, with sufficient space on each side of the car for work

��bench and vise. It is entirely of concrete except for the two-part wood doors and window sash. The walls are four inches thick, reinforced with wire netting. The floor and the roof are also of concrete, the latter with a three inch slope to the foot.

��Inflate Your Tires to Full Pressure, Even in Hottest Weather

OOK out! Don't inflate that tire


��this," is the costliest warning ever hurled at motorists. Instead of saving tires and money it has cost automobile owners millions of dollars. True, a tire does expand in hot weather, but so slightly as to be negligi- ble in its effect. It never expands to the danger point. Furthermore, in- ternal heat does not result from the tem- perature of the outside air, but from the con- stant bending of the tire as it travels along. Con- sequently, when you run your tires under-inflated in hot weather to combat air expansion, you cause in- creased bending of your tires, and thus create more heat — which is just the condition to avoid. The thing to guard against is under-inflation.

���The measuring . device for de- termining whether a person is right or left handed naturally

��Use Your Natural Arm If You Would Be a Good Craftsman

THE brachiometer (don't be frightened at the name) is an instrument which has been devised by Professor H. Franklin Jones, of the University of South ikota, to determine whether an individual is naturally right or left handed. Every person is born with a major and a minor arm, and Professor Jones, through study of this fact, has discovered things about the man who is jack of all trades and master of none.

To determine "hand- edness" he measures the bones of the arm with his brachiometer. If you were born with a left major but adopted the right, the fact will be shown by measurement of the re- laxed forearm circumfer- ence, contracted forearm, relaxed biceps and con- tracted biceps. To become master of your trade you must use your major arm.

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