Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/299

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Popular Science Monthly


���Race meets at stated periods stimulate the manufacture of small cars in various shapes and forms, but generally the construction of some favorite large car is copied in miniature

��Miniature Automobiles and Their Race Meets

MINIATURE but practical motor-cars are being built by youngsters in California in great numbers, and of widely differing designs, and the sight of them whizzing through the streets of Los Angeles is so common that they no longer attract special attention. The rapid development of junior car building in that section is largely due to the stimulating influence of frequent road races in California, planned especially for juniors.

A racing association for boys has been formed in Los Angeles and a number of meets have been held, with cups and cash prizes awarded by motor enthusiasts.

The little automobiles are largely home- made, with the exception of the engines and some of the more complicated parts. As a rule the engine from some outworn motor- cycle is bought for a few dollars and adapted for use in a diminutive car. The steering wheel is usually secured from an

��auto-wrecking establishment, and the wheels may be from bicycles, motorcycles or coasters ; though one or two small machines make use of the pneumatic-tired wheels designed for airplane use.

The chassis, body, transmission, steering device and gas tank are as a rule of home manufacture. It will be seen that to build a neat and efficient miniature car requires considerable ability as a woodworker, machinist and tinsmith. Of course the manual training received in the public schools is very helpful in developing mechanical skill. The photographs show a number of home-made models and one factory-built junior car.

��Hanging Backing Cloth for Wall Paper

IN hanging cheesecloth or muslin for back- ing on which to hang wall paper, wrinkles will be prevented if you first wet the cloth with clear water and when dry size it with alum water, I lb. to the pail.

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