Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/364

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��Popular Science Monthly

���The food barrows of London serving meals ready prepared and hot or cold to patrons of the community kitchen

��A Kitchen on Wheels — the School Children Serve the Meals

��IN St. John's Wood, London, the com- munity service idea has been worked out to a nicety in relation to the kitchen and the serving of meals. Not only are housewives and others relieved of the duty of cooking the meals, but school children of the locality are pressed into service as cooks and waiters.

Every day the food is sent out from the community kitchen in what are called food barrows. These are wheeled through the streets and are stopped upon demand at the doors of prospective customers or old pa-j irons. The food is carried in big alum- inum pots and ves- sels which fit into a metal container filled with water which may be boiling hot or ice-cold, ac- cording to whether the food is to be served hot or cold.

Soup, coffee, and vege- tables of all kinds, meats and desserts are served in any desired amounts, in individual portions, or

enough for an entire The kerosene passes drop by drop

family repast. into the pipes over the flames

���Change Your Coal Stove Into a Gas Range

WHEREVER kerosene oil is to be had, it is possible to convert your coal stove quickly into the decidedly more convenient gas range. A new attachment put on the market for this purpose is sufficiently simple for the least initiated to operate. A kerosene tank is screwed to the wall and the clamps on the burners are at- tached in the stove's fire box. From then on you will forever be free of the bother of both the coal bucket and its col- league, the ash pan!

The attachment is in reality a miniature gas plant. After fill- ing the tank with kerosene oil, the valve is opened until the oil begins to trickle from the burners. The valve is then closed and -the little oil previously placed in the iron pan under the burners is lighted. The heat from the burning of this oil causes that in the pipes above it to evaporate. As soon as this happens, the gas issues from the burners and it is ignited also. The intensely hot flames then given out can be directed on to whatever parts of the stove they are needed. Having once started the evaporation of the pipe oil, the tank valve can be again opened. What- ever oil thereafter flows from the tank will evap- orate in the red-hot

pipes over the burners

and be converted into gas. One drop of oil will produce an immense amount of gas; obviously, then, the tank will be exhausted very slowly. The fact is that not more than two cents' worth of oil need be used up in an hour, according to the inventor, who also emphatically de- clares that there is posi- tively no element of danger in the device. "A little child can man- age it," he says.

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