Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/413

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Popular Science Monthly


��The Candle Still Flour- ishes Even in This Electric Age

NOWADAYS we think of light in terms of electricity or gas lamps, but it will surprise some to learn that the average daily expenditure for can- dles in this country alone this year will be about sixty-seven thousand dol- lars. On this scale the val- uation of the 1 91 7 produc- tion of candles in the United States will total a round twenty million dollars.

���This crane, attached to an idle dirt wagon and operated by a crank, will pick up and empty the largest garbage cans

��A Patriotic Float Made of Raisins to Represent a "Tank"

FRESNO, which is the center of the California raisin industry, each year in May holds a "Raisin Day" celebration, an important feature of which is a parade. This year it was given over to a patriotic display and many remarkable floats moved in the procession.

The float which won first prize as an industrial display was entered by one of the express companies. It was made up as a "tank," twenty feet long, fourteen feet wide and thirteen feet high. The float was built up solid with raisins. Out'of the float projected the muzzles of fifteen dummy cannon. On top was a miniature refrigera- tor car. The float was drawn by four bay horses and driven by ' 'Uncle Sam."

Three hundred and fifty pounds of raisi n s were re- quired for the body alone. The bottom of the float was covered with huckle- berry greens and poppies.


���The float was built up solid with raisins — just raisins. The bottom was covered with huckleberry greens and poppies

��Converting the Dirt Wagon Into an Efficient Garbage Collector

'ILLIAM M. WALSH, a highway commissioner at Grand Rapids, Michigan, holds the patents on a novel scheme which enables him to convert any of the city's idle dirt wagons into a more- than-ordinarily efficient garbage collector. His idea involves the use of a small crane by means of which the driver can lift the largest garbage cans into his wagon with little effort.

The movable crane is secured against the driver's seat and carries two tongs for grappling the garbage can. By turning a crank while standing on the ground, the two tong cables are wound upon a drum, and the can is slowly lifted. On reaching

the top of the crane, the driver fastens his crank upon another shaft which operates the cable con- n e c t i n g with the bottom of the garbage can. Turn- ing this shaft tilts the can up- ward and empties it.

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