Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/721

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Popular Science Monthly

��Throwing You Out of the Automobile's Way

IF your car is equipped with the new life-saving device invented by Jos. M. Crichrion, of Monterey, California, you need not fear that you will injure the careless pedes- trian who gets in your path. You may knock him down, but you can not run over him.

This safety device consists of two arms which are attached to the front of the machine. When these arms come into contact with anything, they are released auto- matically and fling the object which they encounter out of the path of the machine. The arms are padded so as to be easy on the pedestrian.

This invention has been tried out in California and is said to be very successful. A car traveling at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour ran into a man for a test. The man was not hurt. Since he knew what was coming he was not even shocked.

We don't think that the four million automobile owners in the country will scramble over one another in their efforts to buy this safety device. It may be operative and useful — but look at it! Imagine the arms protruding from the latest type of trim roadster!

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Two arms attached to the front of the automobile are released automatically to clear the car's path

��The marking machines simply melt the natural wax on the outer skin of the fruit and make the inked imprint on the second skin. This does not injure the fruit

A Machine Which Stamps Oranges with a Trademark

ALONG-STANDING problem in the fruit merchandising business may soon be solved by a patented marking machine invented by Frank Ahlburg, of San Francisco, which stamps the trade name on the fruit before it is shipped to the dealer.

The marking machine consists of a revolving wheel carrying the marking dies across the fruit which passes beneath it in an endless conveyor. The eighteen plungers on the wheel are so arranged that they have a play of two and one-half inches toward the center of the wheel, this being the extreme range of marketable oranges or lemons. Pressure for the marking is furnished partly by the weight of one and one- half pounds and an added spring pressure. The plunger head consists of two parts, the electric heating ele- ment lying between them. Current is supplied from a set of brass rings on the axis of the wheel, by means of sliding contact rods. Each of the eighteen dies is inked at every revolution of the wheel.

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