Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/848

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��Popular Science Monthly

��It Bathes, Massages, and Dries Us. Would That It Dressed Us, Too

��A RECENTLY in- vented bathing machin'e not only washes the btfdy, but also gives a massage and dries the skin with- out the use of a towel in less time than is re- quired by the usual process. The machine takes up so little space and requires so little water that it may be used in a sleeping car or in other places where space or water is lim- ited. For army use it meets every require- ment of sanitation and speed when mounted on a truck so as to be moved about as needed. The body is thor- oughly cleansed by a series of brushes driven at will at either high or low speed. Each brush is eight inches in diameter with three-inch bristles. The brushes are hinged at the top on ball joints so as to open out wide for a fat man or close in for a thin one. The foot or arm can be easily thrust between any two of the brushes and thoroughly washed. An ad- justable pedestal at the bottom is easily moved up or down to accommodate a tall or short person. Above are the claims which, if true, are certainly re- markable.

| C All the moving parts are electrically operated. The insulation and connec- tions are so designed that the bather takes no chance of getting a shock.



���The bathing machine requires so' little space and water that it can be set up even in a sleeping car

��to the level of the liquid in the jar. At the same time the liquid enters the opening in the outer tubes and traps the air above it. This subjects it to hydrostatic pressure, which increases with the depth. The air in the bulb is forced up- ward by the pressure of the liquid until it rises over the point where the bulbs join the main tube. The air raises the liquid standing in the main tube to the bend in the siphon and it immediately starts to flow downward.

As soon as the steady flow begins, the pres- sure is. diminished and more water is drawn through the injector into the" main tube. As the water rises high- er in the bulb the air which is sandwiched between little columns of water in the delivery tube is expelled. It is only a matter of seconds for all the air to be expelled and the apparatus then performs its work like any other siphon.

Air bubble rises with water

��Revolving •brashes

��{Adjustable Ipedestal

��S— Water forced up \>-Trapped air

��Water under hydrostatic pressure

��A New Siphon That Starts Itself Without Suction or Pumping

AN automatic siphon has been perfected L recently which seems to have a fine disregard for the law of physics that a liquid can rise no higher than its source. The device is exceedingly simple. It is constructed along the usual lines except that the end which is placed in the liquid has three tubes instead of one. The liquid enters through the center tube and rises

���Water' in outer "Water in central Pressure of trapped

openinq traps opening rises to air forces liquid in

air above and level of liquid central openinq up-

is subjected to in flask ward over bend in

hydrostatic pressure delivery tube

Diagram showing the siphon which requires no pumping or suction to start the flow

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