Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/893

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���Uncle Sam's embryo soldiers obey the call to go "over the top" with all the will in the world — fit for a fight or a frolic as fate may dictate when they get "there"

��Going "Over the Top" with the Soldiers at Camp Upton

THE accompanying photograph shows what the camera registered when the photographer took a snapshot of soldiers at Camp Upton while they were going "over the top" — which is only one feature of the physical training which the Camp Upton men undergo in preparation for the fighting "over there." Punching a bag with a bayonet to accustom the soldier to hand- to-hand struggles, foot races, boxing matches and other sports make up their life in camp.

A class at the naval training station at Newport studying the various parts of a ship

����The science of "boxing the compass" is taught to the naval recruits by aid of this ingenious device

��Learning to be a Blue-Water Sailor on Dry Land

THE training of a man-of-war's man is not a simple matter. In days gone by it used to take almost as many years as it now takes months. The methods of instruction and of training have under- gone wonderful changes; they have be- come much more intensive and to the point, and the results obtained prove the efficacy of modern methods.

Stations for the training of the fu- ture sea-fighters have been estab- lished at many points. At these stations the young men preparing themselves for naval service re- ceive the most careful instruction and training, theoretical as well as practical, and in accordance with the most advanced ideas. Nothing could emphasize more strongly the difference between the present method of training and that which was in vogue in the olden days. Then the men were drilled in the most primitive manner; a rope's end usually played an important role as an educational factor. Now, with the help of models, the men are taught in one hour what would have taken days, weeks or even months under the old system.

��Western Newspaper Unton

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