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4a^ INDEX. PLEADI^T.S {continued). Vag6 On Extents, &c. (continued). Crown waiving objections by not demurring . . 370 Replication a departure from inquisition . . ibid. Attorney- General confessing the plea when binds Crown, &c. • . ' . . ibid. Signing replication ..... ibid. Rule to rejoin .... . ibid. On information of intrusion — (See Litmsion,) , 333, 4 POOR'S RATES. King not liable .... 376, 7 POPERY. Usurpations of, by what statute destroyed . . 50, 1 POPISH RECUSANT. ' Adjudged such by refusal to take oath of allegiance . 18 PORTS AND HAVENS. Definition of by Lord Hale . . . .174 Prerogative as to erecting, and where . . 174, 5 Claims by lord of county palatine, by owner of other ports, and by subjects in general . . ibid. Nuisances as to . . . • . 174 Duties for going to . . . .175 POSSESSION OF KING. Nature of in law and deed . . . . 251,2 As to entry and seizure — (See Inquisitions.) . . ibid. POSSIBILITY. King may grant ..... 388 POUNDAGE. On extents 312, &c. PRAYERS. For Royal Family, alteration of .... 54