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A Few Days in Venice, 60

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 819

A Moorehead Journal, 457

A Story without a Moral, 81

Acadie and the Birthplace of Evangeline, 140

Academies and Universities, 169

A Day in the Carter Notch, 672

Adventures on a Drift Log, 187

American Ideal Woman, 527

Art Manufactures: Porcelain, 402

Avignon, 445

Bartleby the Scrivener, A Story of Wall Street, 546, 609

Berne, The Celebration at, 871

Characters in Bleak House, 558

Camadeva, 648

Carey, Henry C., Letter from, 342

Carter Notch, A Day in, 672

Cassiterology, a Chapter on Money, 498

Crucifix, The, 481

Curiosities of Puritan History: Witchcraft, 249

Crystal Palace, 131

Day Owls of North America, 277

Dinner Time, 25

Down the Street, 25

Doctors, 66

Dog, The Life of a, 542

Editorial Notes,

I. American Literature.

Clouds and Sunshine—Fern Leaves—Life of Cole—Shillaber's Rhymes—Hillard's Year on the Continent—Tuckerman's Life of Greenough—"Clovernook" in England—Niagara Falls Guide-Book—Carey on the Slave Trade—Herbert's Game in its Season—Prof. Smith's Political Economy—Buchanan Read's Poems 102

Puctry of th« VrffAtablti Wurld—Dr. Waddell't Roviaw of Unela Tom— Ranke'a Civil Law and Monarchy in FruM — Culoridgv't Work*— Biof^raphy of Dr. Olin— Prrtfeaor Silliman'aTrar^U-Headley't Now Work— The Bibla in tbo CoontinK Houao tSO

Aatroooniical Joamal — Brooks't Gvmuui Lyrira— Hillaid'a Six Montha in luly— Sillimaa'a Visit to Europe— Flacg*k •^City of the S«a"-Mn. Child'* life of luae T. Hopper- —Salad fur the Solitary— Albert Smith's Story of Most Blanc— Anthen'sManiud of Grwk Literature- Hildreth^ Theory of PoUtiea— Hawthorne's Taii^lewood Talee— Tlia Exilee— LAresao Beooai 44C

Houra (ff Lil!», and oth«r Poems, by Mrs. Whitmaa— WUlia's Fun Jottinft-IIeadUy's SMwod War with Enfw land— Waylaad's Memoirs of Jadson— The Mod CaUa— Uaber's aril Liberty— Simms' E^vriar— Beeeher's Con* diet of thf Agea— Soothem Qnarteriy Reriew— 'Addiaoa^ Worka— New Annoonceinenta. .... MS

RastouPs Writings -BaoTard's Webator— Ufe of WIlliaM Pinkney— Eliot's Early Christiana— O'CalUgaa's Doco- mentary History of New- York— Hoamer's Poems, Holi- day B<4fks-Jadge Edmonds on Spiritualism- Tract on Government— The Loet Prince— Field's City Arehitectma —Dr. Hawks' Peruriao Antiquitiea— Spoooer'a Anae- doUs of Paintcrs-GoUen Dr««ms and Leaden RealitiM —Scheie de Vcra's Comparative Philology— The Bow in the Cloud— Anivriean Aboriginal Portfolio— Wkittiert SabUlU Scene *^*

IL EnglUh Literature*

Lord Juhn Russell's Memoirs of C. J. Fox— W. Tyrena Power's Thrre Years in China— Diary of M. B. Baliol— Frank Merryweather— Singf-r's New Editinn of Shaka. {•eare — Ruskin's Stones of Venice, ii.-Chorley'l Music in Germany- 11th voU of Grote's GreMO. . lOi

The Greville Correspondence- The Thistle and Cedar of Lebanon— Ltindnn Illustrated Magasine— Frontier Umdi of the Christian and Turk— The Great Sins of Great Cities — Comic's Positive Philosophy Kl

Macaulay's HisU.ry of England -Thackeray's <<The New- euntes "—Aot<^hiographic Sketches. . . . 4U '

MIm bremtir's Homes of the New World. . 861

Conitc's Positive Philosophy, by Lewes— Hoffman's Chroa icifs of Csrtaphilua— Gray and Mason's CorrsspondcDc i- —^liasBunbory's Life in Sweden 681

IIL French and German Literature.

Krasinski'sSIaves-Vaiaomery's Batidlles— Mahon's GnlU laume-le-Tadtnme— Father Ventura's Raia<>n Philoao- phiqne— Moeder's Paroiss* Reformee de Slrasbr>nrg~ Eiiirene Sue's Jeanne et I»uise— Henri Heine's Gods la Exile— De Lille's Po2mes Antique -Mneggi^'s Romantea' Olshauaenun the Mississippi Valley— Stober's Sabinai— Heinrich's Maler aller Z«<it«n und Lander-Helfert's Hua and Hierunymns— suiter's Bante Stoine— Meyer's Prop*. gaoda— Eine Verlorcne Seele— Hollo's Rnebenaucker Ib- dustrie— Anersperg's Drama Oeschichte- Bilder aus dem L*ben — Kanlbaeh's Freeeoes- Sohwegler's ROmiadM Gesrhichte— Schmarda's Geographical Distributioti of Animala— Guder's Jean Chrisii unter den Ttdten— Mom- menta Gennaniae Historicae, vol. x.— Jolowicx Polyglotta der Orientaliachen Poesie lOT

History of the French Protestant Refbgees-DelesatitHl Photographic Reproductions— Portraila d 'Artistes— Cho- pin's Chnix de Nouvelles Rdsees— Letters ufCharleeXIL — Hiatory of the Island of Cyprus— Dnpin's Prestdcaea d« rAssvmbl^e Legislative— Reformers and Martyrs of Switxerland— Alphonse KarHs Romans— Religions Joo^ ney intheOrient— History of the Horse among all Nations —History of the Opera at Berlin— Selections from Cabalia- tie Mysticism— Heyse's System of Spuken Sounds— PatsoD of Graenrode— Esthetic Questions— Letters of Hombuldt— German Statistics— Fifty Years b both Heniispherea— German Profier Nam«-s— Hi*t<«ry of German Liter a t ur e Rless's Doctrine of Frictitmal Electricity. . S-.>4

Dictionnaire RaiaonnA de I'architeetnre franeaise — Bella- eombe's Wdrks — Etudes histnriques Sur I'iafloeace de la Charit^e, Ac— Lansons* Art Tlt*atrale Hiatoin de l^liaa de France— Damas' Tranalation of Kotibue — Phystnlo|^ dn Doel- Duenmcnts Hietoriqncs sor la Cmnedie fraa- Caise — Nomoot's CnotribntlKia to Italian Hiatory — Schmidt's History of German Literatnre— Golts's Traval* in Egypt — Macargan— Stembarf s Novels and Pi etui a a ■ iEathetica of the Ugly— History uf the Jaeobias— Leipaia Editions of Amerieao Wuriu— Wiekede's Ans dem Sodaa — WeUen's Kptaodes AftMU my Life. . . . UO

TIm Priaes of the French Aonicmy— Oooaia'* Da Yrala, dn