Page:Pyrotechnics the history and art of firework making (1922).djvu/291

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Hanselet, 158

Harold Wood Factory, 75

Hawai, 11

Heading, 94

" clay, 96

Heath, Mr., of Boston, 161

Hengler, 33

" Madame, 62

Henry II, 20

Henry, M., 36

Henry VIII, 15

Hilton, 40

Hime, Col. H. W. L., 153, 154

Hindoo pyrotechnists, 10

Hippert, Lieutenant, 145

History of colleges, 27

Home Office, 84

Hone, William, 56, 59

"Honeysuckle and the Bee," 53

Hoogstraten, Count of, 15

Horizontal wheel, 121, 133

Hornpipe, 52

Hotel de Ville, Paris, 21, 22, 42

House on fire, 52

Howard, 40

Hull, 37

Hutstein and Websky, 149

Hyde Park, 40, 41, 43, 56

Hyder Ali, 159

Hyperoxymuriate of potash, 144

Ignium, Liber, 13, 14

Illegal Fireworks, 57

Illuminations, 28, 32, 39, 41

Imperial Fête, Danube, 55

"Implacable," 49

Incendiary, composition, 156

" rocket, 159, 160

" shell, 156

" thermalloy, 172

India, 55, 159

Insecticide fumigators, 178

Inspector, H. M., 10

Invalides, Les, 42

Invetto, Mrs., 61

Iron, 138

" borings, 98

" cast, pulverised, 141

" dust, 11

" filings, 8, 98, 141

" magnetic oxide, 141

Iron oxide, mineral, 146

" pyrites, 4

" sand, 98

" scales, 140, 141

Italian streamer, 113, 114

Italians, 18, 21

Ivory, 146

Jack and the Beanstalk, 52

Jack-in-the-box, 110

Jaipur, 55

Jamaica House, 36

James I, 24

James II, 27

Jebb, Dr., 14

Jenny's Whim, 36

Jesuit missionary, 98

Jewel fountain, 115

Johnson & Co., 174

Johnson, Dr., 35

Jones, Lieutenant, 31, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118, 133, 134, 139, 141

Jubilee, 55

" 1809, 39

" Naval Review, 49

Jumping cracker, 91

Jutland, Battle of, 49

Kenilworth, 18

Kentish, Thomas, 118, 139, 149

King's birthday, 4th June, 1809, 39

Kingston, Duchess of, 30

Koroo, 10

La Fere, 175

Lamb, Charles, 40

Lampblack, 99, 112, 139, 146

" compositions, 113

Lance, 112, 119

" à feu, 112

" bounced, 128

" work, 128

Lances, Fire, 112

Lancework frames, 129

Lanterns, 8, 9

Lapis calaminaris, 141

Lattice poles, 127

Leading up, 125

Leipsic, 160

Leo VI, 13

Leo XIII, 20