Page:Ramakrishna - His Life and Sayings.djvu/138

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and persecutions, but the man of weak faith is easily shaken even by the most trifling cause.

87. How sweet is the simplicity of the child ! He prefers a doll to all riches and wealth. So is the faithful devotee. No one else can throw aside wealth and honour to take God only.

98. God is like unto a hill of sugar. A small ant carries away from it a small grain of sugar, the bigger ant takes from it a larger grain. But the hill remains as large as before. So are the devotees of God. They become ecstatic with even a grain of one Divine attribute. No one can contain within him all His attributes.

89. A logician once asked *Srt Rmakwsha, 'What are knowledge, knower, and the object known ? * To which he replied, * Good man, I do not know all these niceties of scholastic learning. I know only my Mother Divine, and that I am Her son.'

100. A man who finds all the hairs of his body standing on end at the bare mention of *Srl Hari's name, through sheer ecstasy, and who sheds tears of love on hearing the name of God, he has reached his last birth.

10L The more you scratch the ringworm, the greater grows the itching, and the more pleasure do you find in scratching. Similarly, the devotees once beginning to sing His praises, never get tired of it, but continue for hours and hours together.

102. When grains are measured out to the purchaser in