Page:Ramakrishna - His Life and Sayings.djvu/200

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fish. Similarly, the devotee who patiently goes on with his devotions is sure at last to find his God.

360. The heart of a sinner is like a curled hair. You may pull it ever so long, but will not succeed in making it straight So also the heart of the wicked cannot be easily changed.

367. Knowledge leads to unity, and Ignorance to di- versity.

368, 868. The society of pious men is like the water in which rice is washed. The rice-water dissipates intoxica- tion. So doth the society of the pious relieve worldly men, intoxicated with the wine of desires, from their intoxication.

370. The agent of a rich Zemindar, when he goes into the mofussil or interior, tyrannises in various ways over the tenants. But when he comes back to the head-quarters under the eyes of his master, he changes his ways, becomes very pious, treats the tenants kindly, inquires fully into all their grievances, and tries to mete out impartial justice to all The tyrannical agent even becomes good through the fear of the landlord, and by the effect of his society. Similarly doth the society of the pious make even the wicked righteous, awakening awe and reverence within them.

STL Moist wood placed upon a fire soon becomes dry, and ultimately begins to burn. Similarly, the society of the pious drives away the moisture of greed and lust from the hearts of worldly men and women, and then the fire of' Viveka (Discrimination) burns in them.