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Whom God vouchsafes my guide and guardian care ;

Else had I not endured to hear thy words,

Unseemly in the ear of one so far

Beneath the condescension of the Lord.

The promise thou hast read is also known,

As well the prophesies which point the time,

When Israel's destined Prophet shall arise ;

Nor can that time be distant, earnest hoped,

When Juda shall her great Deliv'rer see.

But 'tis not with me, Gabriel, well thou know'st,

As with the rest of Juda's daughters found.

Whilst they, so let, the virgin state resign,

With emulation high, worthy as high,

To claim maternity of Shiloh's birth,

I yield with vows to their permissive hope,

My virgin state perpetual to preserve,

As leastwise worthy, though of David's house,

To bear so near relation to the Lord ;

Content to worship him by whom so born,

And pay my vows though distant from him far.

Hence, strange thy words sound to my wond'ring ear,

Who chastity prefer to all the joys,

Which coveted maternity impart;

Though not insensible how great renown

On such maternity must be conferr'd.

O'erwhelmed rather with th' oppressive load,

I shrink with fear and trembling at the view

Maternity of God ! What creature dare,

Though seraph pure, her feeble thought .exalt

To such relation with consuming Fire ?

And yet, thy words have meaning, for I know

Thou hast not left the heav'nly courts to bring

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