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Puts on her robe of joyous green, and sets

Her emerald signet, to the seal of God's

Redeeming love; emblem of mercy 'and peace,

Signet, which, once, Urim and Thummim graced,

And after, gleam'd athwart the bow, which he

Of Patmos, saw around the heav'nly throne,

Sure type of reconciliation, proof,

How dear to God are his predestined saints.

Nor doth Gallia refuse. From Pyrenees

To Alps, from Rhine to rolling seas, spacious

Her rich domain extends, predestined thence

With Clovis and Clotild, to deck her arms

By victories of grace, until, when free

Enlaved in healing streams from Mercy's side,

She rose exalted to th' immortal name

Defender of the Faith; name, deeply grav'n

On her front, and borne where e'er her eagles

Flaunt the breeze, or sail cerulean seas.

So all of Celtic race and name, destroy

Their idols, and, unalterably firm,

Compaction hold with Him, whose genial reign

From rising to the setting orb of day,

Wide as the earth's expanse, coeval spreads,

And with the clean Oblation, long foretold

By Malachias, constant him adore.

Next after these, homage of peacefulness

The warlike sons and blue eyed maids defer

Of wild Illyricum; whilst Rhaetia,

Dacia, Thrace, and utmost lands, wide spread, wash'd

By (Enus, Danube, Dravus and the Save,

Awhile forget their fierceness, and succumb

To the prevailing force of heav'nly grace ; *-'*

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