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Say Thou, whose sacred effluence outpours, Kedient to my theme inspired, why Jesus From the world he came to save withdrew; why He, who yet a youth, before the learned stood, Confounding them with questions and replies, (His tearful Mother meanwhile seeking him,) That wisdom should in solitude obscure ; Sing, for Thou know'st, why He, whose light excelPd The sheen of stars, and moons, and suns combin'd, Should intermit so long his rays, and shade The world in darkness, leaving his mission, Though begun, but three brief years to evolve Its momentous, ineffable results. It was the soul's interior life to teach, The hidden life divine of Christ with God ; Without which, he that liveth, is but dead, With which, that dieth, lives to die no more. Much by example teaching as by words, The great Exemplar he, like him retire, In heav'nly contemplation reticent; Blend low contrition with thanksgiving's acts, Bid faith t' aspire, and hope to anchor firm ;

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