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Who tasted once the force of his just wrath, And sorely felt the weight of his strong arm. But, were it needed, proof hath been enough, Since, if thou stood'st at Jordan's ford, and heard, Which I doubt not, me thrice proclaim'd the Son, Thou well might'st me believe, natheless no act Of mine own special force be now vouchsafed, 'Twixt thee and me alone, in this bleak waste." To Him the Tempter boldly this return'd : " This weak evasion proves thy metal false, Thy high pretence, like all the rest, a sham. Many there be, who claim superior birth, Sound their own praises, and exalted aims, Lo here, lo there, affirm themselves the Christ, But prove their boastings vain, when call'd to work Some wonder to attest their call of God. So thou, it seems, not less evasive, mean'st To sound thy trumpet, some weak minds to dupe, And credulous make hope Messias come; But careful hold'st the proof, though earnest sought, That only can confirm what thou would'st seem. Was 't ever heard of since the world began, That a true prophet fail'd to work by signs? The list is long, and many might be named, But one will well suffice t' illustrate all ; One, specially design'd to shadow Him, Who, many' unite in firm belief, shall come ; The same, that led this people through the wastes, That erst described the Prophet who should rise, As like unto himself. How he their wants Supplied with manna, quails, and quench'd their thirst With water in the desert, struck from rocks,


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